
Shopping All Variant Shoes

In the month of Ramadan, people are usually busy shopping for Lebaran (Idul Fitri) preparation. Well, as we know that not only our hearts are prepared in this month, but also the physical form such new clothes are prepared in this month. He-he.

Well, for those of you who love shopping for shoes, Bandung Review has a good suggestion for you. Just come directly to Quina shoes in Dago Plaza which is located in Ir. H Djuanda (Dago) street no.61-63 Bandung.

Probably for you who like hang out in Dago Plaza, you will be familiar with Quina shoes store because it is already known for its uniqueness and its affordable prices.

This shoe store is one of shoe stores of my friend’s favorite. When I saw the shoe store at first, the shoe store looks normal, nothing special, just like the other shoe stores, even from the outside it looks not highly formalized and a lot of shoe boxes are piling up.

Besides that, there’s something that makes me confused, “what’s make this store sold?” after I got in, I was quite surprised because it served with the shoes that although the drafting is not too neat, but the shoes are lined up on shelves is really interesting and unique.

Several of interesting shoes, such as, oxford shoes, flat shoes, wedges, sport and boots are available in this store. You could just buy shoes that are available here, with prices ranging from 95.000 IDR.

You can also order shoes with your own design. You just have to give its design and pay a half price in advance and paid off when the shoe is finished. The prices of order shoes with your own design can be said is affordable, with prices ranging from 130.000 IDR guys, is it cheap right? The time of making shoe is about 1-3 weeks. It also depends on the level of difficulty of shoes that you order.

The material of the shoes is varied, such as, genuine leather and synthetic leather, it’s depending on request. Design of the shoes is unique; the quality of the shoes is assured and the price is very friendly for your wallet. He-he

Finally I understand why so many boxes of shoes that piled up in Quina shoes. Actually it is the shoes that have been ordered by many customers so that they piled up the boxes of shoes. Consequently, it is reducing the aesthetic value of shoe store. I immediately reminded about the quote that appropriate with the situation of this shoe store, that is “don’t look the books from the cover”.

At that time I immediately bought oxford shoes in Quina shoes. I am satisfied with my purchase; the shoe is good quality with affordable prices.

For you who do not know about this shoe store, this could be an appropriate reference for you especially in preparation for Lebaran. You can get shoes with a good quality and the price is very comfortable for your wallet. So, what are you waiting for? Happy shopping guys! (FCU)

source : bandung review

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